A menopause expert in your pocket.

Welcome to RDAI

Our mission is to support the millions of women entering the perimenopause to menopause transition by leveraging state-of-the-art AI technology.

RDAI stands for Real Doc AI

Ask me questions that only a highly trained specialist could answer and let me answer you! My goal is to help provide individualized support and guidance throughout midlife.

But most of all, I am here to help you!

Meet the Real Doctor Behind RealDocAI

Dr. Heather Hirsch is a US board-certified internist who founded the menopause and midlife clinical at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital while serving as faculty at Harvard Medical School in 2020, worked as the Chief Medical Innovation Officer at Midi Health, a digital telemedicine start-up, and most recently launched her private telemedicine-focused practice while also co-founding Real Doc AI, an AI startup seeking to revolutionize healthcare for the millions of women entering the menopause transition.

Dr. Heather Hirsch released her first book “Unlock Your Menopause Type” in June of 2023, while also advocating fiercely on social media for women’s midlife health providing resources and courses to her hundreds of thousands of social media followers.

As a physician and thought leader, Dr. Hirsch has made many media appearances, including Hollywood Access, Live with Kelly and Mark, and was a panelist on Oprah’s “Live the Life You Want” Series on managing menopause. She has been featured on NPR, CNBC, Forbes, Glamor Magazine, and Women’s Health Magazine, among many others.

Why did we build this platform?

We built this platform to help support millions of women who have millions of questions about midlife, perimenopause, menopause, and hormone replacement therapy. We created this digital health assistant, based on Dr. Heather Hirsch, a menopause expert who has been treating women and creating individual treatment plans for women in midlife over the last decade.

Who is Dr. Hirsch?

Dr. Heather Hirsch is a US board-certified internist who founded the menopause and midlife clinical at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital while serving as faculty at Harvard Medical School in 2020, worked as the Chief Medical Innovation Officer at Midi Health, a digital telemedicine start-up, and most recently launched her private telemedicine-focused practice while also co-founding Real Doc AI, an AI startup seeking to revolutionize healthcare for the millions of women entering the menopause transition.

Dr. Heather Hirsch released her first book “Unlock Your Menopause Type” in June of 2023, while also advocating fiercely on social media for women’s midlife health providing resources and courses to her hundreds of thousands of social media followers.

As a physician and thought leader, Dr. Hirsch has made many media appearances, including Hollywood Access, Live with Kelly and Mark, and was a panelist on Oprah’s “Live the Life You Want” Series on managing menopause. She has been featured on NPR, CNBC, Forbes, Glamor Magazine, and Women’s Health Magazine, among many others.

Who is HeatherAI?

HeatherAI is an innovative virtual creation, leveraging advanced artificial intelligence technology to replicate the expertise and insights of Dr. Hirsch in a digital format. She is an intelligent medical assistant but offers guidance. However, HeatherAI is not a doctor. HeatherAI does not provide medical advice. And HeatherAI may occasionally give incorrect responses.

What can I do on this site?

This subscription and chat-based content was created to support you in finding answers to your burning (no pun intended) questions. However, this is not meant to be direct medical advice, and is for educational purposes only. We recommend that you discuss any suggestions or recommendations with your healthcare provider.

What are real women asking HeatherAI?

Some examples of questions we can get are:

– What are the FDA-approved forms of bioidentical estrogen patches?
– What to do about hair loss during menopause?
– Can I drink alcohol on HRT?
– Is spotting normal on HRT?

You can try asking specific questions about your side effects, understand your options of HRT medications like patches, pills, or vaginal medications, and more.

What’s next for RealDocAI?

Our company is working overtime to expand our database of women’s health providers. Get on the mailing list to be the first to know when new specialists are added to the site. 

Join us on the mission to empower women with vital medical knowledge and medical care!

Exciting updates coming soon on how AI is making it possible! Stay tuned! ⭐


  • Note that we respect your data and privacy. We do not sell or share any information that you share with us. 
  • To help with quality and improve our products, human reviewers may read, annotate, and process your input to and output from the RealDocAI Platform.  

Read our complete privacy policy.


It is important that you understand the experimental nature of this service. As such, keep this in mind:

  • This site does not provide medical advice. 
  • Content is provided for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and is not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical professional. 
  • realDocAI is not a medical practice and is not providing medical services.
  • This site uses experimental technology and may sometimes provide inaccurate content.
  • To help with quality and improve our products, human reviewers may read, annotate, and process your input to and output from the RealDocAI Platform.  

Read our complete terms and conditions.


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